EncodeXP helps young people explore and get into the cutting edge world of technology – AI, AR/VR, digital art, and more!
Designed to help students gain hands-on experience with the latest industry tools and techniques, this training is perfect for anyone who wants to build a career in exciting new tech fields. From designing immersive virtual environments to creating stunning digital art, EncodeXP classes help students unlock their full creative potential and prepare for successful careers in the tech industry (a highly lucrative career pathway in great demand).
There is no charge for the classes. Funding comes from grants. Classes for ages 14-17 are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30- 6:30pm with virtual lab hours on Fridays. Classes for ages 18-24 are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6:30pm with virtual lab hours on Fridays. The next session of classes starts on Friday, June 16.
Students are provided with Chromebooks to use as they complete a project and explore career pathways and how to get further training, ie college and/or internship
Other things students can expect from the classes are –
Resume Building – You can take the experiences you have in the classes into future jobs
Socialization – Make friends and learn how to work in groups on fun projects
Explore Creativity – Explore your creativity using the tools and technologies of the future and find out what you’re capable of
Entrepreneurship – Explore your creativity using the tools and technologies of the future and find out what you’re capable of
The Encode Grill will serve students dinner during classes and plans to open to the public by July 1, serving coffee and tea and plant based comfort food.
EncodeXP is located at 130 East Main, the former home of Auntie Carol’s Hawaiian Café.
More information can be found on their website ENCODEXP.org, on Instagram and Facebook or by calling (458)255-9733. Board Member Heather Stafford is also willing to answer your questions, including how to sign up for classes. Contact Heather at [email protected] or 541-842-2620.