Winter Holiday Lights Annual Program

Holiday lights represent hope, enlightenment, and goodness in the world. They serve to remind us that we can be a positive influence in the lives of those less fortunate than us.

From Bear Creek to Fir Street​

Sponsor A Tree

We’ve listened to the feedback from Medford City Council, local residents, and visitors who love the warmth of the Holiday Lights Downtown.

Each Winter, DMA with contributions from downtown businesses, Travel Medford, and the City of Medford lights the canopy of trees along Main Street with strands of twinkling lights – creating a warm, joyful, and festive ambiance for all to experience during the holiday season as they enjoy our downtown shops, restaurants, theaters and more. 

The lights are a special tradition started by DMA volunteers in 2018 and continue to expand each year, as we get more contributions.

We love them and we love the tangible sense of holiday magic they provide.

Each tree costs $170 for the light canopy. In order to make this possible every year, we ask that more businesses and property owners contribute.

The winter holiday lights now line Main Street Downtown from mid-November through the end of February and extend throughout Main Street from the Bear Creek Bridge to Fir Street (until power is developed further on Main Street).

With your contributions, DMA is able to hire Brotherhood Painting, a local lights installation company offering a complete holiday lighting package that includes purchasing any additional lights, installing them, servicing, taking them down, and storing the lights for the following year.


Help Light Trees in Downtown Medford and keep commerce & tradition alive during the holidays. 


We continue to depend completely on the pledges and contributions we receive.

If this is a tradition you love, please support this program. 

We hope to grow the Downtown Holiday Lights and expand the footprint in the coming years with your additional support! 

Thank you to the many partners who helped turn this effort into a full program and who continue to support the holiday lights for tomorrow: The City of Medford, Travel Medford, and our local businesses.

Let’s keep the tradition alive!

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$ 170.00
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Contribution Total $170.00

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