By Karl Stahnke, Holly Theatre Volunteer Coordinator
Become part of the Holly Theatre Experience by Volunteering Today!

The wait is almost over—the Holly Theatre is just months away from opening its doors! Searchlights sweep the night sky, the curtain rises, lights dim, music soars and Downtown Medford will be transformed, offering new, unique, and diverse entertainment like never before.
From helping with events to changing the marquee message and so much more, it is Holly Theatre volunteers who get the job done with smiles on their faces. We are proud to have an amazing team of volunteers from throughout the community who support the Holly’s bright future as the region’s largest indoor concert and performing arts venue, and we want YOU to be part of our amazing team!
Volunteering at the Holly Theatre is a fun and rewarding experience, and a great way to support our community and the performing arts. Whether you are interested in volunteering one day a month or donating your time on a weekly basis, our goal is to learn your interests and skill sets so that you can have a rewarding experience while volunteering at the Holly. From assisting patrons in our box office or as an usher, to helping with events or sharing your skills, your time can make a difference, and your hands-on support is invaluable!
Becoming a Holly Theatre volunteer is an easy two-step process; simply complete a brief on-line application at and then sign up for one of our monthly Volunteer Orientation sessions. Do you have questions? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Karl Stahnke, at [email protected] or call us at 541-772-3797, extension 511 and he will be happy to help you start your new adventure as a Holly Theatre Volunteer. Come join us today and become a part of the arts community!