We Love Our Hanging Baskets

Spring is right around the corner and it’s time to think of Flower Baskets for downtown Medford. This year.. will be just like last year ordering directly from Four Seasons Nursery whom the Downtown Medford Association has contracted with for the past five years to bring baskets to our downtown. Four Seasons will be taking over all the sales, invoicing, and commitments.

The Hanging Baskets beautify Main Street and Central Avenue along with a few side streets from May through October. This year the flowers will not disappoint as they will be bright colors of yellows, oranges, reds, and pinks.

We encourage your participation this year to make Medford one of the most vibrant downtowns and line the streets with over 100 baskets. Last year there were 100 baskets hanging on our streets. So order your baskets today with Four Seasons Nursery!

Basket price is $425 per basket

To Order please contact Tim or Lisa at

EMAIL [email protected]

PHONE 541-779-5603

This program is brought to you by the Downtown Medford Association, as we continue to work toward a more vibrant downtown. Cities with Hanging Basket programs report a greater enhanced image and improved downtowns over time. Beautification efforts renew pride and care for their city and increase residents’ fondness, increasing positive expression of their downtowns.

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