Jami and Steven Ronda are celebrating the 5th anniversary of Rogue City Comics at 32 N Central. “I tried to talk him into it earlier, because we both have loved comics and games since we were kids. It was ‘dream talk,’ until the fall of 2017,” said Jami.
They had read the Pumpkin Plan, which advises people in business to “do one thing well – so well that people want your service.” They also realized that there was not an actual comic store in Medford. They decided to “go for it” and Rogue City Comics was born.

Steve had been traveling selling pharmaceuticals for 25 years, while Jami spent a lot of those years as a stay-at-home-mom to their four children (quadruplets) and doing kid-related volunteer work. They both wanted to be connected with the community they grew up in and have experienced great satisfaction engaging face-to-face with people in our community since opening their business.

Rogue City Comics sells new comics coming out. In fact, every Wednesday, new stuff comes out and people in the comic book world eagerly anticipate “New Comic Book Wednesday.” If you haven’t kept up with the comic book world, you will be surprised that the new comics are not the same as they were when you were a kid. They have heavier covers and are printed on quality paper, not the old “newsprint.” Rogue City also sells back issues of vintage comics.
Jami and Steve are great supporters of Third Fridays, trying to have something special each month. For February Third Friday, their guest was Kristina Espinoza showing her hand painted statues. Later on this spring their guest will be Ted Helard, who teaches art at SOU. Ted will be launching #2 in his comic book series: Exquisite Corpse.

Are you a comic book aficionado, just curious, or want to meet a delightful couple? Stop by Rogue City Comics and check things out!