We chose Terra Firma for our Featured Partner because their business, with some of the most gorgeous windows in downtown, makes a major contribution to the beauty of Downtown Medford and because of their involvement in making Downtown Medford a vibrant, safe, and clean center of our city.
“I got my start at age 14 in Bakersfield, California. I just walked in and asked people if I could do their windows,” said Krissy Millner. “Our windows in Jacksonville were show-stoppers,” said Mark Millner.
Mark and Krissy opened their first store in Jacksonville in 1993. Terra Firma was initially a gift, home, and garden store.
In 1999 they were trying to buy a new sofa and noticed there was “no quality upscale furniture here,” and said, “why don’t WE do it?” They bought thousands of dollars’ worth of furniture and started selling it upstairs above the gift shop and it really took off.

They soon got tired of carrying furniture up and down stairs and started looking for a one-level space in Downtown Medford. They noticed that the space at 309 East Main in Medford that they drove by every day on their way to Jacksonville was available. They found the location to be perfect, and after doing lots of cosmetic renovation, they opened Terra Firma Home in 2002 in Downtown Medford. “I love the building. It was built in 1895. I love the historic district. I love all the space I have for working in and displaying my merchandise. I like being part of a grassroots downtown historic district as opposed to being in a strip mall,” said Krissy.
Terra Firma carries good quality furniture and home accessories beautifully displayed and does a huge interior design business. The design business, both out-of-town and local, has grown so significantly through word-of-mouth and referrals that during the past year the store hours have needed to be cut back to Saturdays from 10am to 4pm and Monday – Friday by appointment.
In addition to Mark, Melissa Bonato works in the business as a design assistant. “We fill a niche that no one else in the valley does – interior design with merchandise that reflects the design,” said Mark.
Mark has been involved in Downtown Medford Association since its inception and the previous Heart of Medford Association, as well. He has served on many City of Medford commissions and committees. He presently serves on the EID Steering Committee of DMA.
“DMA has accomplished a lot as far as being transparent as to what is going on and has brought in a lot of people and businesses who have a real feeling for Downtown Medford. It has been instrumental in getting Christmas lights and flower baskets in downtown and working with the City in terms of beautification and safety. The Reimagine Tours and the DMA Socials are getting people together to create a sense of community. Annie (Jenkins) is doing a great job of bringing people together.” said Mark.
Looking to the future, Mark would like to see DMA recruit more businesses to downtown, support those businesses that are already here, and maybe do a mentorship program to help new businesses. “I would like to see building owners buy into the EID and for the EID to succeed,” said Mark.