

This committee serves to highlight and market downtown Medford’s unique characteristics, the business community, & downtown events to residents, visitors, investors, and business owners. Our committee helps shape a positive image of the Downtown through marketing and event activities to boost activity, increase traffic, and investment, and support our existing downtown businesses.

Create image campaign to market downtown by building on downtown assets.

Promote and support partner events and expand upon them.

Enhance and create retail/business generating activities.

Committee Job Description

The Promotion Committee’s primary responsibility is to market a unified, quality image of the downtown as the center of Commerce, Education, Entertainment, Services, Dining, Specialty Shopping and more!

Committee Chairs & Board Liaison

The Promotion Committee is comprised of board members and community members and downtown merchants/building owners interested in the growth and revitalization of downtown Medford. 

Tiffany Maude, Co-Chair

We are always looking for more community leaders and new approaches to effectively complete our work.  If you want to get involved or would like more information, apply here or send us an email at [email protected]