The Chamber of Medford & Jackson County is conducting two critical surveys to gather feedback from both property and business owners regarding the Main Street Cycle Track. As we approach the one-year review by the Medford City Council, your insights are invaluable to this evaluation process. The results will be shared with the City of Medford to ensure comprehensive community feedback is considered.

If you are a Downtown Business Owner or a Downtown Property Owner, you should have received a survey from The Chamber asking about your satisfaction with the Main Street Cycle Track. Your opinion is VERY important. In order to have your opinion count, you must return your survey to The Chamber by Monday, September 16. 

If you are a Downtown Business Owner or a Downtown Property Owner and you did not receive a survey, please contact The Chamber by phone or in person to get a survey.

The Chamber is ONLY surveying Business and Property Owners at this time. If you are not a Downtown Business or Property Owner, but are passionate about Downtown and want to voice your opinion, contact The Chamber and/or the Medford City Council. 

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