DMA Recognition Award

The Downtown Medford Association is pleased to recognize Rogue Gallery & Art Center for their continual support of Medford’s Third Friday Art Walk.
Rogue Gallery & Art Center, located at 40 S Bartlett, was founded in 1960 by artists, educators, and local leaders as the first non-profit visual art organization in the Rogue Valley.
Rogue Gallery includes three exhibition spaces for their rotating exhibits, so you can always experience something new with each visit. With the help of dedicated staff and hard-working volunteers, Rogue Gallery serves over 500 valued members and accommodates over 10,000 visitors and educates over 700 students in classes and workshops every year.
The Rogue Gallery & Art Center is open Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 5pm & Saturday 11am to 3pm – PLUS the Gallery stays open until 8:00pm on Third Fridays!!! Please stop by and see them anytime – but especially on Medford’s Third Fridays!!! See you at The Rogue Gallery & Art Center.
President’s Award

Congratulations to Kelly Madding, Deputy City Manager, who is the 2023 winner of The President’s Award. The President’s Award is given every year at the Annual Meeting, with the recipient being chosen by the Board President. This award is presented to one individual, business, or organization working with DMA who has performed the most outstanding service in assisting the president and DMA during the year.
“DMA extends recognition and gratitude to Kelly for exemplary leadership in public stewardship, and for fostering citizen engagement and promoting community vibrancy for Downtown Medford. Kelly’s partnership has supported public safety efforts by keeping us informed and engaged with the MPD Livability Team. She has provided constant engagement with our member meetings to address plans for downtown and the City and advocated for DMA to partner with the City to support property owners and businesses in the community,” said EJ McManus, 2023 DMA Board President.
Pioneer Award

Scott Henselman of Henselman Realty & Management, LLC, has been chosen to receive The Pioneer Award. The Pioneer Award is given to a downtown business that has contributed the most in overall physical improvement to Downtown Medford. The recipient is chosen by the DMA Board of Directors.
“Recognition is given to Scott and his company for steadfast dedication to enhancing historic buildings and for their contribution to maintaining the distinctive character of our city’s downtown. Their generous support for beautification projects has helped to successfully transform the downtown area into an inviting, aesthetically pleasing, and vibrant space for both locals and visitors,” said DMA Board President EJ McManus.
Scott and his company have recently remodeled the upstairs of the Barnum Building at 319 East Main. Present tenants upstairs are Studio Priv’e Pilates, Sara Miller LMFT, and Thomas Tattoo.