After 39 years on Central Ave, Jennie Anderson moved instaPRINT around the corner to 126 E Main, Suite 1. “It was just time to move. I love this brighter roomier space,” said Jennie. 

instaPRINT does all kinds of printing – from photocopies to commercial printing. They do business cards, gift certificates, letterheads, brochures, fliers, calendars, newsletters, and much more. 

Jennie majored in journalism and communication in college and wanted to be a news anchor. At the time she graduated, not many news anchor positions were open to women, so she went to work for small newspapers and in printshops. Her main concern about moving was “Will people be able to find me?” “THEY DO” (find her) said Jennie, dispelling that concern. 

“I like Downtown Medford – the foot traffic, the people. I am surrounded by very nice businesses and people. It’s just friendly!” said Jennie.

As for what DMA could do to help improve things . . . “Get rid of the bike lane. It is cutting down on parking and hurting businesses,” commented Jennie. 

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