May 17 | Downtown Medford
Third Friday joins with Medford Open Streets to bring you one of the best Third Fridays ever!
Don’t miss Third Friday, May 17! We are partnering with Open Streets again, the buskers will be back, the weather should be the best so far this year!
Lots of people came out to our April Third Friday. They shopped in the open businesses, admired art in the galleries, listened to music, and enjoyed food and beverages in our restaurants and bars.
Bumble & Wren, Lotus, Retrowormhole, Rogue City Comics, Dancing Beads, Refashion

Central Art featuring Melissa Ghiglieri, Art duJour with oil paintings by Penny Simmons in the Art Vault, Rogue Gallery’s Best of the Best high school art show.


Open Streets promotion in Vogel Park and Coldwell Banker

Wine Tasting by RoxyAnn Winery at The Beatrice